We finally got some snow! I was pretty convinced that it was going to keep passing over us all winter. Late Friday night soft little flakes began to fall and by Saturday morning we had just enough to have some fun in. It's a pitiful little covering that left the grass showing through. But when you are snow deprived as we are any little bit is cause for much joy! We stayed out all day yesterday except for short hot cocoa breaks. And we were blessed with more last night. The kids haven't been indoors longer than an hour since they woke up. It's beautiful. We are drinking it in like dehydrated men in the desert who've stumbled upon water.
I love the snow. I love the quiet of it. The brightness of it. It's peace falling from heaven. I love looking out on it first thing in the morning, steaming cup of coffee in hand. Snow has a stillness. It calms my soul. It is pure satisfying entertainment for children and adults alike. I wish we saw more of it. But we will enjoy fully enjoy it while it lasts.