Oh, my Sicily girl. She's a walking comics page. Here are some funny things she said this week:
Me: (pointing to her homework page) "What shape is this?"
Sicily: "An octogon."
Me: "no, try again."
Sicily: "A hexagon."
Me: "no."
Sicily: really excited, "I know, it's a pentagon."
Me: "no, it's a rectangle."
Said in complete exasperation and frustration at being the smallest, "The only reason I was born last is because the other two were blocking my way out. I should have been the first out, but they're always blocking my way."
Last night at dinner when asked what the best part of her day was, she said, "Having dinner with my family." Awwww. She followed this up with a hug for each person. Then she sat down and whispered to me, "Can I not eat my squash now?"
That last one shows that she's not only funny, but smart too! :)