Our house has been suffering from what can only be called The Plague. Oh, it's been an awful bug. Coughing, fever, congestion, stomach knots, and aches all over. Blah, is the best word for it. We've been quarantined from the outside world for two weeks now. One by one falling to it helplessly. Even my big strong boy has been struck down. He missed three days of school. On the fourth day I sent him back thinking he could handle it, only to have him come home and crash in exhaustion. So now he's home again with me, sleeping. Oh, I'm ready to be done with this.
Come spring! Come quickly so that we can air out this house of such sickness!
I have to say it's had a nice positive side, though. I've gotten a lot of mama snuggle time and game time with my babies. Even the five foot one. While my heart is sad that we're all sick, the joy of quality time can't be underestimated.
Feel Better Y'all!! Let me know if you need anthing! The Dillons