Saturday, April 7, 2012

Glow-In-The-Dark Easter Fun

My kids are getting older. (Bittersweet).  In the past couple of years, I've noticed them getting a little bored with traditional Easter egg hunts.  I can usually get one or two rounds out of the girls, but the boy really doesn't want to do more than one round, if that.  So this year I decided to add a new dynamic: Glow-In-The-Dark Easter Eggs!  (I got the idea on Pinterest.  Oh, Pinterest. So full of wonderful ideas.)

We kicked off the evening with a fire and made s'mores.  Not regular s'mores.  This was a night for kicking it up a notch.  So we made Peep s'mores.  And yes, they were as good as they sound.  Plus there was the added fun of melting and squishing a Peep.  If you have kids, you know that melting and squishing anything can't be overrated.

Then we had a hunt for glow-in-the-dark Easter eggs.  I really wasn't sure how this would go.  Would it work? Would they like it?  The answers are: yes and very much so!  They were so excited.  Especially the boy.  I think he would have kept playing long after the girls were ready for bed.  I can see inviting friends over next year to join us.  This would be so much fun with a group.

We laughed and played under the moon until the fire started to die and girls were rubbing sleepy eyes.  It was the kind of fun even I loved, and if I'm honest, needed.  It's been a long week leading up to Easter.  I needed tonight to play with my kids.  To laugh and eat sweet treats.  To usher sleepy girls to bedtime kisses and promises of filled Easter baskets come tomorrow.  And then I sat with the boy in silence around glowing embers just soaking in the presence of him.  He keeps me centered.

He came up with his own caption for this picture:
 "Chris, the boy on fire."
You only know why that 's awesome if you're a Hunger Games fan.

Yes, this was a lovely night.  I crave these nights in the deepest part of my soul.  A night centered around the things that matter.  Love. Laughter. Family.

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