So here's our nightly ritual with the girls:
After dinner they both take a bath.
We wash their hair, get wrapped up in towels and quietly brush their teeth and hair.
Then they pull clean pjs from their drawer and get dressed.
Looking all fresh and clean, they each pick a book, one of which will almost always be about a Disney princess.
I sometimes read in a lovely British accent and Steven trumps me by reading with a different silly voice for each character.
Once we've read books, we give each girl a kiss and a hug and tuck them in tight. And they peacefully float away to dreamland.
Hold up. No, that's not right. That sounds too easy. These two girls don't go peacefully anywhere.
What actually happens is:
They take a bath after dinner.
Usually one of them hits the other with a rubber duck.
That, of course, results in tears and yelling.
The one who was hit will then pull the other one's hair which will lead to more tears and yelling.
And this will lead to me yelling.
So we will wrap up in towels and shuffle off to their bedroom completely forgetting about brushing teeth.
There will most likely be no clean pjs in their drawer because I'm behind on laundry, again.
So I'll pull dirty ones out of the hamper and get more tears because princesses don't wear dirty clothes.
Then I will see their wet heads and remember that we haven't brushed their hair.
So they each sit on my lap and endure the tangles being brushed out which will bring more tears and yelling.
When those tears are dried they will each pick a book, one of which will truly almost always be about a Disney princess.
Then Steven or I will speed read through it because we are too frustrated by the tears and yelling at this point for voices.
Most likely it will be me because Steven will still be downstairs cleaning dinner off of the floor.
Finally we will give them each a kiss and a hug and tuck them into bed.
Then we sit at the top of the stairs and wait because ten minutes later one of them will need to potty or need another kiss or a drink of water.
Then ten minutes after that they will think of something that they just have to say.
Then ten minutes after that Analiese will tie a stuffed bear to her blanket and lower it down from the top bunk to Sicily on the bottom bunk and Analiese will cry because Sicily has stolen her bear and her blanket in one quick grab.
An hour later my little sprites will be sound asleep and I will head downstairs to finally spend a few minutes with my husband before we both pass out.
(Chris puts himself to bed in the middle of this dance. Ah, the responsible first child.)
And that is how I spend most of my nights. Sounds fun, right? No? Well, your right. It's not. Which is why my husband decided to cheer me up last night with this. people think it's fake. I don't care. It's hilarious and makes me wish Steven talked in his sleep. More importantly it made me laugh in the middle of the crazy hour we call bedtime around here. So that is why it is my Friday Favorite this week. I hope you like it.
Now, I'm off. It's almost bedtime. Let the dance begin.