Friday, November 30, 2012


So obviously I didn't make it through 30 days of thanks.  But I made it halfway and that counts for something, right?  I guess all I really wanted to do was to address the fact that I'm grateful for the life I have. Though it's sometimes upside down and sideways and far from perfect, I love my life.  Even when I'm exhausted and complaining, I can usually pull myself up by remembering that I am incredibly blessed.

I have a family that loves me and supports me.  They make me laugh and make me feel special.  They are my cheerleaders and the people who make me feel like I can actually achieve success on this crazy road I'm on. They are the people who listen when I'm sad.  They are the people who clap when I'm happy.  They are my family and I love them all dearly.

I have friends that never stop caring.  They watch my kids when I'm overbooked.  They bring me meals when I'm stressed.  They listen when I'm overwhelmed.  They carry me in prayer when I can't go on.  They are my support system when my family is away.  I need them more than they know.

I have three amazing kids.  They are beautiful and intelligent.  They take care of me even though I'm supposed to be the one taking care of them.  They are loving and compassionate.  My life is wrapped up in them.  Without them I don't know who I'd be.  They are my everything.  And everything I do is for them.  I was born to be their mother and it is my greatest privilege to watch them grow up.  With all I have in my life, it is them that I am most grateful for.  I love them more than I could ever express in words.  More than I ever thought humanly possible.

Thanksgiving.  It is necessary.  Because I have been given much.  And as I muddle through this life I've been given, it's important to stop and remember that.

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