Tuesday, December 27, 2011

After Christmas Walk in the Woods

We have spent the holiday weekend as a whole family.  Steven and I decided that Christmas was a time to be together with the kids. It has honestly been a wonderful few days.  After the year we've had, I think we all needed to know that, bent or broken, we're a family.  And as a family we still share a love for one another that can't be erased.

 This way we were able to keep all of our Christmas traditions in place.  We went to church on Christmas Eve, we had a lovely meal, and the kids opened their gifts from each other.  Then we were all here on Christmas morning for gift opening and merry making. The day after Christmas we decided to take a walk in the woods.  Note in these pictures that the little one is wearing a sleeve-less shirt.  It's been unseasonably warm around here.  I would consider the air outside cool and crisp, but I guess when you're a firecracker you warm up faster than everyone else.  All in all it was a great afternoon.  Even if we did get a little lost due to poorly marked trails.  That just added to the adventure of it.

 We've had a great holiday.  It's been a great way to end a very hard year.  It's given me hope for the year to come.  Most importantly, I've had time to love on my beautiful family.  My heart is warm and full.

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