Monday, August 3, 2009

A Tired Lot

We are a tired lot. This summer, no this year, is wearing us out. Never before in the short history of our family have we been stilted for such a long period of time. We've had many times when we've had to readjust or realign our routine, but we've always been able to do that within a matter of weeks. We're going on months here, 7 to be exact. This year has been one event after another, so many people have needed our time and our energy, and of course there was the income loss that has shifted so much of our life. You may think I'm exaggerating (if you are one of my sister's, you don't, because you've heard all of this before. thanks.) but I'm truly not. Our oven door fell off yesterday. That's right, just fell off. Steven and I actually started laughing. Combined with everything else that has broken around here it's comical.
I'm rambling, I know. I ramble a lot lately. I think it's a sign of exhaustion.
My spirit is depleted and I think I'm bordering on depression. I struggle to peel myself from bed most mornings. We have a wonderful life and if any family is able to find fun in the mist of chaos, it's our family. I have so much to be thankful for. And I am, I truly am, but that doesn't change the fact that I want to be locked outside of my house so that I can't go back in. It doesn't change the fact that I feel like I'm sinking.
So I'm going to fade away this week. I'm going to spend some time nourishing my starved soul. I'm going to spend some time hugging my weary children. I'm going to spend some time loving my frayed partner. We need to mend our walls and we need our Lord to restore our spirits. We need to find a place of rest and beauty and to start fresh.


  1. Thinking of you...hang in there! You are such a strong person and the head of such a strong, wonderful family. Love from Tennessee.

  2. I love you Megs! And I'm always here for you..for whatever you may need.

  3. You are amazing and inspirational even through your low times. I have always admired you for your depth. I love you always. I am sending the children a card in the mail tomorrow with a little spending money for school start-up. I am praying that your week is light-hearted and fun.

    I love your blog. Yours is my absolute favorite.
